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lbs =

lbs =

lbs =

lbs =

Unite Temp =
sstzero = zero
0 = 0
$sst = 0Not Selected = notselected

Connection Size
Array ( [model607] => 2 1/8 in [model606] => 1 5/8 in [model605] => 1 3/8 in [model604] => 1 1/8 in [model603] => 7/8 in [model602] => 5/8 in [model601] => 1/2 in [model600] => 3/8 in [model507] => 2 1/8 in [model506] => 1 5/8 in [model505] => 1 3/8 in [model504] => 1 1/8 in [model503] => 7/8 in [model502] => 5/8 in [model501] => 1/2 in [model239A] => 2 1/2 in [model139A] => 2 in [model138A] => 1 1/2 in [model137A] => 1 1/4 in [model135A] => 3/4 in [model133A] => 1/2 in [model131] => 1/4 in [model905] => 1 3/8 in [model904] => 1 1/8 in [model903] => 7/8 in [model902] => 5/8 in [model901] => 1/2 in [model900] => 3/8 in [model340] => 3/8 in [model320] => 3/8 in [model930R] => 3 1/8 in [model928R] => 2 5/8 in [model927R] => 2 1/8 in [model926R] => 1 5/8 in [model925R] => 1 3/8 in [model924R] => 1 1/8 in [model923R] => 7/8 in [model922R] => 5/8 in )

Connection Type
Array ( [model607] => ods [model606] => ods [model605] => ods [model604] => ods [model603] => ods [model602] => ods [model601] => ods [model600] => ods [model507] => ods [model506] => ods [model505] => ods [model504] => ods [model503] => ods [model502] => ods [model501] => ods [model239A] => ods [model139A] => npt [model138A] => npt [model137A] => npt [model135A] => npt [model133A] => npt [model131] => npt [model905] => ods [model904] => ods [model903] => ods [model902] => ods [model901] => ods [model900] => ods [model340] => ods [model320] => ods [model930R] => ods [model928R] => ods [model927R] => ods [model926R] => ods [model925R] => ods [model924R] => ods [model923R] => ods [model922R] => ods )

get post id and meta value for matching models so we can serv the model title and URL =

Final Model Array

Refrigerant =
Company Name =
Date =
Reference Number =
Units Temperature =
Rreciprocating =
Conventional =
Serviceable =
Reservoir =
Discharge header Size: =
Capacity = no

SDT input = 0
SDT input tens = 0 ones = 0
SDT input tens plus 10 = 10
SDT last digit = 0
Split Suction Groups = off
SST input = 0
SST Medium input = 0
SST input tens = 0 ones = 0
SST input tens plus 10 = 10
SST last digit = 0

Tons =
Tons range = to 0

Specific Volume =
CFM range = to
Pounds Per Hour =
Specific Volume Medium Temp =
CFM Medium Temp =
CFM Medium Temp range = to
Pounds Per Hour Medium Temp =

Tim Notes

Current URL =


Project Information:
*Select a Refrigerant:

System Configuration
Type of System:
Type of Compressor:
Type of Separator:  

(impingement screen)
Do you want a Reservoir?:  
Split Suction groups:  
(No commas, please use a period for the decimal point.)



(Saturated Suction Temperature)

Capacity Control, Unloading or Load Shedding:   Yes    (Poor separation may occur if capacity goes below 20%) - Not working yet

*SDT (Saturated Discharge Temperature):

Discharge Header Size:

  • NPT = Nation pipe thread, BW = Butt weld, ODS = Outside Diameter Soldered
  • Do not use the separator size to determine the discharge header/line size.
  • Do not use a separator with a connection size smaller than the discharge header/line size.
  • The Product Selector can approximate the correct separator for your application. Further adjustments may be needed for your particular selection. For further information, contact Temprite.

Temprite Customer or Technical Support: Contact Us.   

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